
Reaching out to Catholic/Christians Individuals/Families

St Michael the Archangel by Florence D’Costa

St Michael the Archangel was faithful and obedient to God. His Feast day is on 29th September. He is the leader of an army of faithful angels. His arch enemy is Lucifer. There is constant war in the heavenly places. My experience of this great angel is that he does have a close bond with Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. You would ask why? Well, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God was born of Mary. He, the Word, became flesh in Mary’s Womb – the First Tabernacle. St Michael the Archangel and all other faithful angels worshipped Jesus Christ but Lucifer refused to worship the Son of God who became Man. There was a war in heavenly places and Lucifer was thrust into Hell. Lucifer is the Fallen Angel. He lost the battle. The ultimate battle of course was won by Jesus Christ when He was nailed to the Cross. He died and rose again victoriously on the 3rd day – Easter Sunday.

We can join the fight with St Michael by also being faithful to God and by walking away from sin. Are you interested in becoming his friend. Then say this prayer to him everyday. If we pray this prayer everyday, we can be sure that he will be by our side and will help us at all times, especially in times of trouble and distress.

The prayer is as follows :

The battle goes on everyday – Jesus Christ with His Mother Mary, St Michael the Archangel and all the angels and saints of Heaven. They continue to do battle against Satan and his devious angels who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. So let us pray.


April 7, 2022 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , ,

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